#kandrew fic
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chickenbyday · 4 months ago
Kevin/Andrew | Explicit | 1.3k
Andrew gets a strap-on and Kevin sees god.
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jaywalkers · 7 months ago
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kevin Day/Andrew Minyard Characters: Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day, Nicky Hemmick Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Strangers to Lovers, Hate Sex, Angst with a Happy Ending, Kevin Day Never Joins the PSU Foxes, Ireland Summary:
Kevin Day was twenty the last time Andrew had seen him; stiff-backed, hair cropped, hand bound in a canvas brace. The winter banquet had been hosted at Breckenridge that year, the Evermore Ravens on the other side of the room from the Foxes.
Kevin Day had been standing with the other coaches, though, not the players. And Kilduáin is a very long way from Breckenridge.
All events carry but one.
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houseminyard · 7 months ago
"Kevin doesn't dance anymore, and I never do."
Kevin is dragged to Eden's again, three shots down with a very bad idea and a determination.
"Andrew’s eyebrow lifted, the metal piercing glinting in the light. Blindingly, Kevin thought. He would’ve liked it better if he were wearing anger on his face, or even disgust - this was worse. Amusement. Waiting to see how this played out, and why Kevin had suddenly changed his mind. If Kevin knew anything other than Exy. How far Kevin would go to get what he wanted."
(the same scene, two povs)
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kevindayapologist · 6 months ago
“Your self-destructive streak was entertaining at first, golden boy, but the shtick is getting old and I am losing my patience.”
Kevin slides himself closer to Andrew and leans his face in. It feels dangerous, heat rolling off Andrew in waves. He always runs so impossibly hot.
“You never had any patience.” Kevin plucks the cigarette from Andrew’s fingers and holds it up between them. “And you don’t get to lecture me about vices.”
Pre-canon Kevin and Andrew and their toxic co-dependent situationship!
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girlivealwaysbean · 6 days ago
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is anybody in else still thinking about this
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foxstens · 9 months ago
andrew always being at kevin's side because kevin needs it and andrew driving kevin to night practice and andrew patting kevin down to check for injuries and andrew promising kevin it'll be fine and andrew looking awake, interested because of kevin and andrew conserving his energy for kevin's quiet meltdown and andrew smiling for the first time without the drugs because of kevin and andrew always picking up when kevin calls
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kevinsbitch · 2 years ago
aftg fandom arguing about characters' personalities / kevin day has a praise kink
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reddamselette · 1 month ago
missing kandreil it’s time to reread my favorite fics and the ec
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kevindavidday · 2 months ago
fun fact: andreil don't get married to each other because kandrew and jeaneil are already married. they r...havign an affair...wonderful...
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ifitmeanslosingyouthenno · 3 months ago
no wait wait
greys anatomy au
in which neil's life goes VERY differently, nathan isnt a serial killer, there’s no mafia or anything behind him, and exy exists but it's not the focus of his life no
he just really wants to be a surgeon
nathan is still very abusive and both mary and nathan are famous surgeons idk
and they live with nathan until he almost kills neil one time and the neighbors call the cops because they hears a huge commotion and wrre worried
but anyway
nathan is locked up behind bars, they move states (cali maybe?), neil does pre med and then he goes to med school and
and mary gets diagnosed with early onset alzheimers, and its advancing very very fast
neil changes his name at some point, obviously not wanting to be wesninski, but not wanting the fame of the hatford last name either
and since mary barely recognizes him anymore why not drop both last names anyway
so neil josten is born
and he gets in the residency program in palmetto, known for its excellent surgeon program despite its slightly problematic history
the first night neil gets to palmetto, he goes to a random bar bc he's fucking nervous and he's leaving mary at a nursing home and he cant believe he's gotten this far
a couple hits on him at the bar tho, and well he's never swung before for anyone, but something about these men lures him in that he can't help but be just as into them as they seem into him
they talk and talk and talk for such a long time, and eventually when they ask him if he wants to go home with them he says yes and well yeah lmao he gets literally railed an inch from his life thst night, its literally the best day of his entire life
the next morning he runs out of there before they get up because he panics bc he actually wants these men and he CANT have anyone, bc he has too much baggage in his mind and he's scared and-
and he starts his internship that morning so he rushes to his shitty apartment and rushes to get ready and he runs to the hospital he's going to be working on for the next like 6 years and oh shit
oh no
ohhhhh no
the men are here
they WORK here
they are both his SUPERIORS
kevin is THE kevin day first year neurosurgeon fellon who invented a method to cure xxx in his residency
and andrew is andrew minyard, the medical student with the highest score on the xxx test, remarkable despite still being a surgical resident and oh fuck
they both work here
neil is fucked
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codename-adler · 1 year ago
kevin day is not “neil josten but taller” ok?
whether it’s kevneil, kandrew, kandreil. romantic or platonic. yes, these relationships affect him and how interacts, how he evolves. but he affects those he interacts with right back. like it should be. the adjustments should show. should matter. should be kind.
if neil and/or andrew–especially andrew–are mean, degrading, impatient, mocking, superior, frustrated towards kevin, simply because he is kevin, and kevin isn’t exactly that right back with them? the whole potential of a kevin-relationship was missed. pulverized.
kevin is not “neil josten but taller”–he’s kevin fucking day, queen of exy, son of exy, cult survivor, first and only ambidextrous striker, self-taught at that, and has led the palmetto state foxes to victory. he can be mean and ruthless and oblivious and hurtful and egotistical and a real fucking asshole. andrew’s that. neil is those things too. but they’re neil and andrew and kevin. their characters paint the colors with which their traits appear. they’re very evenly matched, that’s why they work so well together, but their differences make for a lot of it as well.
so unless it’s for the angst, the eventual happy ending, the character development, the relationship development, the healing, the therapy, the do-better… and *even* then…
don’t make neil belittle kevin. don’t make kevin the butt of andreil’s mean jokes. don’t make andrew compare kevin to neil. don’t make kevin palatable to andreil.
all three of them already fit together. nora’s shown us.
why would andrew despise kevin for not understanding the kind of communication he has with neil? and why would neil be the norm? before neil, there was kevin. and only kevin. he was the first for andrew. that can never be denied. and andrew would never forget. why would andrew build a relationship with a second neil? why would he isolate kevin with private, mean jokes with neil? why would neil make fun of kevin with exy? why would he get irritated with kevin for talking more than andrew? and why would all of that be for nothing, except establish a toxic base for the triad?
i don’t like it. it’s not two knives and a spoon. it’s three fucking knives. all equally sharp. all equally blunt. all equally handy. all equally hold-able.
three. fucking. knives.
thank you for coming to my KEVTalk.
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chickenbyday · 5 months ago
3.8k | Kandrew | Explicit
Kevin opens and closes his mouth a few times before landing on, “He was flirting with you,” and, at Andrew’s eyebrows raising a fraction of an inch, “He has been since last season. I figured someone should put a stop to it.” The implied, since you were not going to, sits on the air heavily.
“I did not realize,” Andrew says slowly, and Kevin shrugs and hopes it comes across as casual.“I know. I’m sorry, I know you’re not something I own–” Andrew takes in a sharp breath, but Kevin powers on, “–and I should not have acted like you were.”
Andrew turns a considering look at him. Kevin is about to ask him to just say something when, “I want to kiss you.”
This brings Kevin up short.
Or, Kevin gets jealous, Andrew thinks he's hot, they fuck it out. You know how it is.
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daylightficfest · 1 year ago
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As a good friend once said, have you ever gotten tired of Kevin Day getting everything he wants just because he is Kevin Day?
Do you think Kevin Day is too widely revered? Do you find the radiance of him too all-consuming; too hard to perceive, let alone fathom?
Then we are not the fest for you at all, because category is Night of a Thousand Kevin Days! Daylight Savings is a fan event focused around Kevin Day, where you will be able to submit and claim Kevin-related prompts or write one of your own.
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Are you interested in making Kevin Day even more self-obsessed? If the answer’s yes, stick around to learn about our schedule in the upcoming days!
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houseminyard · 6 months ago
completed small kandrew minific :p considering continuing if this is considered Interesting ™
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saywhatyouwillbut · 7 months ago
i love all of you wonderful aftg creators making social media aus and in-universe memes, choosing to completely ignore the fact that exy rpf would 100% exist
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alicekathe · 2 days ago
I have an idea for a fic where Kevin finds the books and drafts and gets confused. He gives them to Neil, and they both get confused. Then Andrew gets involved, and they can't tell which decisions or feelings are their own after that. All of this happens after Baltimore.
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